
A workshop filled with various tools and equipment. A medium ship hull hangs from the rafters by rope, though it seems to have a desire to keep itself suspended on its own. Whipping a tail around a nearby wooden beam, the Falarin engineer lands on the platform near his desk. Greeting you despite his distraction in his work, he offers to catch up with you once he can complete more calibrations on the heat distribution system, half joking that it’d be a shame if someone turned it on and found themselves among the stars with no way back. Fox-Dragon like creatures, but completely of their own race rather than a descendant of either. In fact, it is theorized that the Vulaki are either derivatives of the Falarin, or perhaps some kind of cousin. Lineage going back into both societal development as well as Nomadic history, Falarin are believed to be among the oldest lineages known to Wyl next to Elves. Mechanically inclined and magically adept, the Falarin are credited for being the inventors of the flying airships which utilize the natural ore and resources which allow the flight mechanic without the less predictable nature of balloon travel. Falarin are also responsible for the creation of gauntlets which allow people to harness Wylstream with less training, however these devices are far less common and do not make it far from their creators. Very few Falarin are Nomadic if at all and only a few live in tribal form often in mixed race societies in small, lesser known communities.


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