Humans / Ahmen

A town bustles with activity running to and fro, lumberers hauling in the material on card needed to frame repairs to the home of the nobles, hunters with deer draped over their shoulders, a man on the corner strumming his lute for some passers by for some spare coin. You come to a tavern and make your way in for a drink and some food after a day. The tables are minding themselves, the man at the counter greets you with the question of what you’ll be having and whether you’d also like a bed for the night, or if you finally managed to find a place to live in town. Men and women with kingdoms and villages with a vastly surface based culture. Humans did not travel underground with the Nomads, and for this reason there are no human Nomads except for honorary exceptions. Focusing more on the acquisition of land and the ruling of their people, human kind have employed methods of government which range between empire, monarch, and tribe in order to keep a lawful and structured society. These communities vary in culture and human subrace variance based on location and bloodlines, for this reason even the diversity of human culture has a wide spectrum. The maximum known ages of humans ranges from 80-120, though most die earlier in their sixties due to their lifestyle or job. The tribal or Nomad form of human society only goes to the point of village life and lower level metalworking where in their lives are simply kept very simple. Humans do not travel underground or often if at all as Nomads.  


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