
The ground crumbled beneath you in the cave you’d been sent to help map, a cavern opened under you and it all went dark as you tumbled through endless formations. A rock slamming the back of your head and it all goes dark as the last thing you hear is the gravel piling up around you and you fade into the thought that this may very well be the end of your life. Suddenly you hear a loud ringing, your back slowly dragging across the ground toward a nearby rock and makeshift fire. A few blinks later and you finally wake up fully, sitting up with your back against the rock. A grayish figure with large black eyes stirs a small pot of soup before you. It smells odd, but not in a repulsive way, more so a medicinal. The figure leans forward with a carved wooden spoon filled with some of the substance and holds it at your lips. After accepting that the creature is trying to help, you decide to take the medicine and find it rather good. After letting the creature wrap bandages and some kind of green liquid onto a gash on the back of your head, you are led through a series of caves until you finally see light ahead. You turn back to thank the Kronadai but as you do, he tilts his head and continues on. The strange speechless creature remains at your side until you finally reach a place to get proper treatment for your wounds. But as the first person you see approaches you, they speak exclusively to you and ignore your friend. When you turn to introduce them, you realize they have entirely disappeared. Two dark eyes, pale almost scaly skin with a hardened exterior in most areas almost like an exoskeleton, the Kronadai are a primarily subterranean kin with no spoken language. Deepest and truest of the Nomads, the Kronadai spend most of their time underground foraging and immersing themselves into the purest forms of the Wylstream and natural magic. The least is known of these kin as their lifestyles are quiet, secluded and lonely. Kronadai are the most mysterious and rare of Nomadic or Tribal kin. They have few to no surface life except in some individual cases and Journeyers.


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