
Ranging across the entire world of Wyl, Nomad is an umbrella term for multiple races and subcultures of people who live relatively solitary lives. Engrossed in the depths of Wyl’s canyons, caves, subterranean formations and far from the influences of the surface societies; Nomads are a traditional “live and let live” type of societal conglomerate (minus a few of their traditions or right of passage methods). They never form kingdoms, rarely stay in one place for too long, and are heavily familial in their social and tribal structures.   Due to their traveling habits Nomads have locations and lands they usually do habitually travel between during their travels. Especially larger tribes ranging up to a hundred or so which often find themselves staying longer term in the larger underground ruins of lost societies and kingdoms. Since most of these ruins and locations are no longer permanently inhabited, they make perfect homes for the Nomads where they can keep themselves safe.   Nomads are heavily magic conscious and nature attuned. Expert herbalists, craftsmen, a strong sense of the flow of magic and Wylstream energy, they have learned to adapt to their environment almost completely and harmoniously. A Nomad is as comfortable and attuned while in the wilds, forests, or underground (depending on their upbringing) as one might be in their own bedroom. Most Nomads know how to sense or at the very least feel the presence of magic and Wylstream, but only a few actually train with it to a more generalized use. Most Nomads, if they are born with enough talent, will be trained in their specific attunement and maybe given some extra knowledge if they seek it.   Some few and rare Nomads are selected to essentially be monk warriors. Hardened and battle ready individuals who have a sole purpose of protecting their tribe and family, these warrior monks give up their name and family, living with masks and swearing to silence until their duty is done, these nameless individuals are masters in combat and aggressive uses of magic and the Wylstream. While it is possible for one of these monks to be married and have a family (only permitted if they marry someone in their tribe), their duties still persist and they are allowed to nurture their family, however their vows are expected to take priority. Since the vows include protecting one’s family and tribe, this usually isn’t a conflict. With or without a family, the warrior monks must live a solitary life a short distance from the tribe so as to not hinder their oath of silence or namelessness. The spouse of these warriors becomes the more maternal, speaking side of the parenting relationship and spends the most time with their children or the tribe itself on behalf of them both.   Most Nomads who are magically attuned with enough affinity in certain ways find their place among the sages over time, taking a life dedicated to traveling and study of the world and other cultures, as well as archeology and historical discovery. This is essentially like the “dream job” of many Nomads. These “Journeyers” will start off very young and only just after completing their right of passage (Taming a Vrisk), will be sent off on their own with not but basic clothes and a knife they must have made themselves.   The right of passage is the taming of the Vrisk (pronounced Vreesk). One must journey deep into the depths of the Wylean caverns and natural cave formations until they find a Vrisk nest where they will wait until one of the creatures challenges them. Once a challenge has been issued, the Nomad must fight until they can grapple and hold to the back of a Vrisk, or nearly be killed in the process. Failure will mean a gruesome and bloody beating, after which if the Nomad can heal then they must go into a year of exile and training and try again. Permanent bodily damage or a second failed challenge will mean the Nomad must accept an untrained life taking on a common or mundane task among the tribe. This isn’t a dishonorable role in their society at all, but it does limit their options as to what they can choose to do with their life. Only a few of those who take on this right of passage succeed.   Due to their semi subterranean lifestyle, the Nomads are often experts at beast understanding. They can live among most animals, even those considered hostile or predators. So long as the Nomad takes the correct precautions and acts the right way, they can remain among the wild unharmed and unhindered by the wildlife of nature with relative ease. They also have a deep understanding of animals and some exotic beasts that no surface person would know.   Nomadic languages vary in dialect based on the location around the world or the depth into the caverns and subterranean locations of Wyl, but all in all the language, though varying and often mixed and matched, is mostly universally understandable except in a few cases between drastically different enough races and depth. Because of the diversity of the language however, it is nearly impossible to learn from an outside perspective outside of a few words. For this reason, most Nomads who are exposed to the common language can learn enough to convey their intent, but only a few learn it fully.   The tiers in these levels of living are as follows: Tribal, Nomadic, Native, Ancient. Tribals range from farming tribe life to low level metalworking technology reach. Nomads are travelers and move around rather often. They use tents and temporary setups and travel between outposts and settlements hosted by stationary tribes of their kin. Natives are far more in tune with nature and don’t much go beyond leather and carving based technology levels. They travel often and are heavily involved with nature and the attunement of the Wylstream. Ancients are the rarest and most mysterious levels of Nomads. They live deep within Wyl’s surface and have the most difficult to learn languages. They are likely among the most Wylstream attuned kin, but there are few races of this level beyond the Kronadai.


Most Nomad and Tribal societies have a similar outline of the following...    
  • Hiearch, Chieftain, etc: Tribe leader and spokesperson.
  • Shaman, Priest: Spiritual leader and usually main advisory to the Hiearch.
  • Vanguard: Silent protectors, soldiers who take a vow of silence and swear to protect the village, becoming extremely secluded in order to maintain constant vigilance.
  • Medecineer: Responsible for treating injuries and sicknesses.


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