
You cross the flat lands, seeing the floating mountains in the great distance where the natural flows of gravitational influence change their very own laws through the minerals and ores embedded in the rocks and stone. The guard standing with his spear in hand and regal helmet adorning his head, matching the plated armor and tabard secured to the rest of his form. The eyes gazing forward with an unwavering stillness save for the slight motion of ht hanging tail as the wind attempts to push it to a tilt, despite the heavy weight. You approach a few paces more and his head darts down to gaze directly into your eyes.  


Standing with an average height of 7-8ft (+/- 1ft), Tor'Kin weigh about 325lbs, are usually muscly or lanky in build with broad shoulders. They have tails which reach down sometimes to their ankles and on occasion reaching even further, dragging on the ground. They have five fingered hands and stand on digitigrade legs with large talon claws.  


With an Imperial presence on Ishah, the Tor'Kin are a well militarized people who have many kings across the South West of the continent. They commission the nearby wolfkin and hawk-kind to travel and lord over the mountainous regions while the Falarin engineers from neighboring kingdoms and villages work on the ships used to sail the skies. While they do not extend their borders across the lines of their neighboring kingdoms, they are very well involved in trading protection for agriculture.


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