
Quo'Rath (a.k.a. The Hen)

A Druid and former member of the [Masters Blades] , Quo'Rath has settled in The Tribal Outlands and is a warden of its people and nature. She has shown great love for the people of this land, though none is shown to her in return.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Switches from animal to animal. When Quo'Rath changes her shape, she goes with whatever will be larger or more impressive.

Failures & Embarrassments

The loss of the village of has led Quo'Rath to new extremes of fury and she hunts with more ferocity than ever before.

Intellectual Characteristics

Usually wise and calm, used to the insults of others. Versed in all the languages of the tribes and even able to speak a few words of Elvish learned from captives.

Morality & Philosophy

Be the hound to guard the families that are too close to elf-lands.
Current Location
Yellow and double lidded.
A yellow crest, ragged with age.
Known Languages
Auld Elvish (poorly, hisses and knows fewer words), Dwarfish (well, but with harsh accents), Gnomish (fluent, as the Gnomish tongue is well suited to her animal forms), Draconic (Fluent, but harsher and more direct with a few words missing) and Undercommon (Completely fluent, has more hissing sounds in her vocabulary).


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