Rinalda Farflung Elfsmasher Forgemother

Elfsmasher Rinalda Forgemother Farflung

Rinalda has lived for what she feels is a long time, and seen her share of misery and joy. She married her childhood sweetheart when she came of age, had four children, and moved off to the new prospects in the eastern settlements of the Tribal lands.   Disaster struck ten years later, when the settlement was raided by the elven kingdom. Her children, her lover, and 8/10 of the settlement were killed in the battle. In the aftermath, she calmly took charge of the survivors and rebuilt the defenses with some creative additions. She had surmised from not all of the villagers being dead that the elves wanted to lure the [[Masters Blades]](organization:546b1710-cdcc-4209-bc5b-edab5f93a37c) out from the capitol and shatter them. Her plan to counterambush the elves succeeded magnificently, and through the application of her mind, the three captives eventually gave her enough information to learn to speak their tongue. Not done with the elves, she applied her echanical skills into making the most fearsome weapon in the Tribal arsenal: [Elfsmasher]   During the last 57 years, she has become a luminary of her people, respected and well-regarded by soldiers and scholars alike. She remarried atter being swept unexpectedly off her feet by [Bullion], and has three children as a result of this union.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well built with blisters and scars on her hands and forearms.

Mental characteristics


Heterosexual but flexible.


A trained smith and tinker with a passion for interrogation techniques.


Rinalda works as head of the Farflung forge, perfecting the Elfsmasher and ensuring a steady production and maintenance cycle for the weapons.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Losing her family is something Rinalda will not forgive or forget. It has shaped her adult life and turned her into a steadfast proponent of eastward expansion.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spatially and technically intelligent with a gift for machines and the breaking points of her work materials.

Morality & Philosophy

Any means are acceptable to ensure the safety of those that come after. That the Masters saved us doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work to save ourselves. There are no debts that will not be payed in full, no matter how distasteful.

Personality Characteristics


To end the elven threat to her family and protect those she loves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cannot cook a meal to save her life. Keeps calm under pressure and threat in a way that unnerves those who would oppose her.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves her family fiercely and is barely able to express it. Adores Bullions cooking. Favorite pastime is for Kifli to wash and comb her hair.

Vices & Personality flaws

Becomes cold and distant when overwhelmed by emotions. Doesn’t have limits when doing what she deems to be right.

Personality Quirks

Grins when angry, laughs when furious.


Is orderly to the point of obsession.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2009 105 Years old
Green with flecks of gray.
Cropped to a short cut, no longer than a centimeter all around.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with a yellow tint.
1.20 meters tall.
35 kg
Known Languages
Elvish, Gnomish, Draconic and the tribal tongue.


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