Session 8 Report in the Cities of the Breeze | World Anvil

Session 8

General Summary

No business like snow business


the Cat's out of the bag

We join Nil Points as they break camp after resting the night at the mountain pass leading to the shipwreck. The party bid farewell to their guid, Abel Johnson and set off further up the mountain. Valarin, through the guidance of spirits, learned a brief history of the Wounded Strig, the ship the party where searching for and the fate of its crew. The group followed the mountain pass up for an hour until they discovered the crashed remains of a ship centuries old and buried in snow and ice. Rhialla was first to notice the gigantic mound of living snow but, as the group tried to sneak passed the creature to look for the ships log book, Horix, in an uncharacteristically reckless act, attacked the creature and combat ensued. The creature turned out not to be too much of an opponent once the party discovered the creature had weakness to certain types of damage with fire and thunder being practically damaging to it. Horix delivered the killing blow with a thunderwave reducing the monster to powder and slush. With the snow subdued Nil Points searched the wreckage of the Wounded Strig for the ships log book. The group found the book and a few more treasures in a portmanteau chest in the ruins of the captains cabin below deck.
With the time of the rendezvous drawing near the Party returned to the town and then went straight on to visit Buttercup and the Sheeple to see how they were fairing. Even though it had only been a few days since the group had last seen him Buttercup was looking much healthier and happier. He had switched to a vegan life style vowing to stay off the meat from now on. with their brief visit over the party set off back down the road for their scheduled pickup from the island.

When Nil Points arrived at the location of their rendezvous they were greeted by a large contingent of the Petty Vengeance's crew in five crank boats. Captain Rubytooth stood at the centre flanked by his Minotaur first officer Shia and the Cleric, Brother Maynard. As the group approached the captain Rhialla heard a strange, whispered message in their head. It was a warning claiming to be from Brother Maynard.
This is brother Maynard. Please if you found it tell him you didn't or it wasn't authentic or something. Don't trust him. It is not the real captain it never was. I am sorry I didn't trust you sooner.
When The cat asked if the group had been successful Rhialla immediately responded that they had not.   Zirash, thinking that Rhialla was playing a prank on the captain joined in.  The Rubytooth was not convinced Rhialla was being truthful and activated a magic item that crated a zone of truth.  knowing that any lie they tried to utter would be known to the cat Rhialla attempted  to deflect but the Captain had had enough.  the forty or so crewmen levelled their muskets at the party and the captain once more demanded the name of the trator in his crew while cocking and aiming his pistol at the paladins head.   At this point Brother Maynard jumped in front of the captain saying he was the traitor in the cats crew and that the party had nothing to do with it.  The cat proceded to shoot the cleric in the chest and as he started to bleed out on the floor Rubytooth tells the party that he did not want to hurt the party if he didn't have to and so gave them a choice.  They could give him the logbook and he would pay them the agreed price or he would kill them and take the book.  either way he would be taking the book.  If they made the sensible choice and gave him the book they could, if they chose to swear loyalty to him and join his crew or stay on the island and wait for the traders in 5 months.  But, he said captain Rubytooth's reputation was to valuable to him to let them besmirch it before used it. Nil Point handed over the book and remained on the island.  They healed Brother Maynard who told them that it was not actually the Captain but someone called Akra who had stolen the captains body.  he said that the people who where chasing Akra was his compatriot and that they had been using Brother Maynard to track the Petty Vengeance and that there ship should me with them within the week.  He told the party that they would be free to join them back to Jubilee but if they wanted to they could join them in seeking vengeance on Akra.

Rewards Granted

  • Night Shades
  • Immovable Rod
  • +1 Longsword
  • +1 Chainmail
  • Bag of Beans (7 beans)
  • Two potions of healing
  • wand of magic missile 

Missions/Quests Completed

The Cat's Paw

Character(s) interacted with

  • Buttercup
  • Brother Maynard
  • Akra (in the guise of Captain Rubytooth


PC's have levelled up to level 4
Report Date
13 May 2023
Primary Location
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