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Fairies are a newer species in the galactic scene, only recently having achieved FTL spaceflight, and mostly only because those that discovered them helped to uplift them. Even then, they tend to be a more reclusive race, venturing out only when necessary and keeping to themselves otherwise. Because of this, there are a *lot* of myths and rumors about the fae, painting them as esoteric, potentially dangerous wily sorts that have dominion over you should you give them your name or enter into a contract with them. This isn’t to say fairies aren’t seen outside their home planet; while they’re not a common sight, seeing one is not really noteworthy beyond “oh hey I haven’t seen many of those”   A lot of these myths stem from societal habits. Names are a very important and personal thing for a fairy, and there are specific rules for when they should be used, or if a nickname is to be used instead. Generally, a subordinate will not use a superior’s name, instead opting for a title or some other honorific (This is why the sovereign is always referred to as “Titania”. It’s a title, and there’s no one above them to actually use their real name). This is what created the myth that using a person’s name grants dominion over them; the only time a fairy will use a person’s name is when ordering them to do something. -Among those of equal standing, it depends on familiarity. Those close to each other can address each other by name, but giving each other nicknames is more common, as it’s a form of endearment to come up with a name for a friend. In more professional settings, using a title or name is pretty much interchangeable, and varies from fairy to fairy.   In regards to dealing with other species, it's debatable whether or not a fairy using someone's name conveys an actual magical compulsion to obey, or if the phenomenon is purely psychosomatic due to the prevalence of myths surrounding them. Some people dismiss it, others swear up and down that they were forced to do things because a fairy "took their name". Fairies, for the most part, either ignore it or play into it if it might benefit them.     One of the main points of friction in fairies joining the galactic senate is how their economy works. Money is a thing, but more often things are traded with verbal or written contracts and favors. Breaking a contract or dismissing a favor is a very steep offense, both societally and according to law, so a lot of care is taken in regards to wording agreements to be amenable to both parties so as to not have a need to break one. Contract law is taught as a standard subject in schools, and fairy lawyers have a reputation of being one of the most fearsome things in galactic bureaucracy. In fact, most people that immigrate to the planet do so to attend law school.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The most noticeable feature of a faerie is their wings. They can take a wide array of insectile forms: butterfly, dragonfly, beetle, moth, bee, or in many cases some synthesis of two or more when it comes to interracial children. With such extreme variation from fairy to fairy, even among family lines, wings are the most reliable way of identifying a specific individual. These wings are both physical and magic in nature in that while they have a physical form, they don't tend to perfectly obey nonmagical laws of aerodynamics. Even still, a torn or broken wing will prevent a faerie from flying, though even a completely removed wing will regrow over the course of a few weeks, and will be strong enough to fly again after 1-3 months, depending on the faerie in question.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Faerie government is well-structured, but doesn’t use much bureaucracy, thus from an outside perspective, it seems extremely esoteric. There is a single sovereign archfey, who always takes the title “Titania”. Titania will usually have a mate that takes the title “Oberon”, though the amount of power Oberon holds varies wildly, from a trophy position to an actual second-in-command. The current Oberon does absolutely fuckall by choice. All he has to do is look pretty for his Titania and gets royal money for it. Titania can also appoint people to serve for specific tasks outside the Court, be it fairy or non-fairy. This is where Archfey warlocks come from. Surrounding Titania is the Inner Court of advisors, who are each given a domain by Titania within the kingdom. They can vary in number, but the current count is 21. These are the only ones allowed to be in physical proximity to Titania. It used to be that the Inner Court were the only group allowed to talk to Titania at all, but ever since being introduced to phones and video calls, that privilege has also been given to the Outer Court. The members of the Inner Court each in turn can appoint any number of advisors, who form the Outer Court. They oversee the lands of each Inner Court member and tend to act as the local governing body.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The vast majority of faeries live on Faewyld, a planet that exists outside the Aether Council's sphere of influence, though there have been attempts to bring them into the fold. Outside their homeworld, fairies are not unheard of, but are extremely rare. Those that can be found tend to be travelers, or living in small communities near or in other cities.
8000-1000 years
Average Height
2'0" - 3'0", with negligible difference between males and females. Outliers on both sides exist, but are rare, with one exception: A fairy that accepts the title of Titania tends to grow to 5' - 6'.
Average Weight
15-20 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Faerie skin color tends to be two-toned, with extremities tending towards pale, human-like skin tone while the torso takes on a much more vibrant, insect-like hue. The color can vary wildly based on genetics, ranging the full visible light spectrum from deep red to shining violet. In addition, certain faeries may develop patches of chitinous plating over parts of their body similar to how more humanoid species can grow hair. Not every fairy has this, and it tends to be genetic, regardless of sex.


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