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Zellias Vance-Arland

Captain Zellias Vance-Arland

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

On the shorter side, thin and athletic

Identifying Characteristics

As a draconic bloodline sorcerer, his skin is speckled with patches of thin, dragon-like scales. He prefers to keep them covered and tends to only wear long pants and shirts for this purpose. He also has numerous scars from his many battles, also hidden by clothing.   His face is speckled with goldish-yellow freckles and he has a couple of visible scars, one under his left eye and the other covering his right eye, from his cheek to his forehead.   He also has weird, pointy shark teeth.

Apparel & Accessories

Zellias prefers to dress in reds and black, and is very fond of his stupid red coat. He doesn't wear a lot of jewelry, but when he does it tends to be gold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Zellias was a wee lad (like, a hundred, not THAT wee), he was rescued by some pirates from some bandits who had taken him hostage with the intention of holding him for ransom or something. His family had refused to pay the ransom, so the kidnappers were just going to kill him anyway because he was pretty much useless at that point. The pirates had just happened to choose the bandit's ship for some good old fashioned pillaging, but rather than space gold and riches they found some bandits getting ready to murder some dumb little elf. The pirates decided to save him just to spite the bandits for not having space gold. It's fine.   To repay the pirates for the rescue, Zellias asked if he could stay with them and learn how to do pirate stuff. Since he was a babby sorcerer learning how to murder with fire, the captain, a dwarf by the name of Ballrig Arland, decided that he could totally be useful and agreed to bring him along. Over the decades the two became close and Zellias came to see Ballrig as a cool big brother, even going so far as adopting his surname since his own family is kind of shit.   Zellias wasted no time making a name for himself in the galaxy, raising in the pirate ranks and pissing off the Adamantine Authority every chance he got, for shits and giggles. Escaping from Event Horizons is less about simply escaping for him and more about proving to the galaxy that nobody fucks around with Zellias Vance-Arland.

Gender Identity





Zellias doesn't discuss his educational background, and when asked simply tends to reply with "Iunno, I just read a lot". He seems to be better educated than the average pirate, especially the meatheads that he usually hangs around with.


Space Pirate

Accomplishments & Achievements

Burned a lot of shit, exploded a lot of shit, conquered a lot of shit, escaped from Event Horizons.

Failures & Embarrassments

Captured by the space cops and lost his crew, oops. Also not being able to use magic, the thing that he is most notorious for, is very embarrassing and he hates it ok.

Mental Trauma

Irrational fear of the undead, especially zombies.

Intellectual Characteristics

Surprisingly book smart, good at reading people to a scary degree, master of gaslighting, too charismatic.

Morality & Philosophy

Fuck around and find out

Personality Characteristics


While his primary motivation seems to just be pissing off anyone in a position of authority, his first priority is to ensure the safety and happiness of his crew. Even if he kind of acts like an ass sometimes.

Vices & Personality flaws



Zellias cannot stand smelling bad and regularly pulls rank to get first dibs on the shower. Suck it.

Living by the age old adage "fuck around and find out", Zellias is a notorious space pirate with a knack for burning shit up. Accompanied by his new band of weirdos, he's on a mission to find his missing crew.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Gold, sharp
navy blue, short and spiky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale blue, freckles
120 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic


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