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Stinky Pete

Stinky Pete

Stinky Pete, likely not their real name, was born to a Skyfishing family on the island of Navran. From birth it was apparent that Stinky Pete was not like most their family, small signs of magic marked them as different. Some of their lineage is remains unclear, so the reasons for their sorcerer abilities is an unknown. At around 14 Stinky Pete left, or was exiled from, their Skyfishing community and ended up making their way to Tiupran City after annoying, and then befriending Sky Pirates whom they met while living around the Sky Docks. Since then, Stinky Pete has made piracy their career.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Wears one sandal, fairly typical Sky Pirate garb tending (towards black, purple and blues when money allows). Piercings and tattoos. Horribly scarred hands.

Mental characteristics


Has experience in Sky Fishing from their youth, which has made them skilled onboard Pirate ships. Was employed on the

A Sorcerer & Sky Pirate who wears one sandal & tends towards mischief & pranks, but is generally friendly & agreeable, until crossed. True, they commit crimes & love hallucinogens, but otherwise have a strong moral code.

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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6’ 11”
66.6 kg

The Journal Entry’s title

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The Journal Entry’s title

I was out with the crew today,

Misdoings on Uq’Tum, Uq’Ran
8th month of 1871 PD

For some time I had been under employment on a ship, the Roc, with a crew who tolerated me well enough, and included my long time companion and lover, Lens. Both Lens and I have worked on other ships together, but this one has been our longest stretch with one crew. The Roc had just finished a run in skys north-west of Khufr’o in which we had looted a merchant ship carrying luxury goods, likely on it’s way to [ADD CITY/ISLAND]. The ship ended up carrying far too many large furniture items, certainly worth a lot, but for which we had no space, some of these items were vandalized and a few more burned. Lens took a very unpractical lamp for himself, but despite jest from the crew and myself, he insisted on it. We had unloaded our goods with an unscrupulous seller on the outskirts of port in [ADD CITY], and moved on stopping in Uq’Tum for supplies since we did not want to linger long in [PREVIOUS CITY].   Our captain, Lady of Skytail, gave us some time to enjoy to ourselves while she and her second did business with some local merchants, but suggested we stay aboard. Most of the crew was not thrilled to be anywhere in Qq’Ran, but several of did decide to go out and see if there were any taverns which might be less hostile towards non-Orcs. That said, none of us know Uq’Tum well and had the misfortune of being out on a day in which the city had an excess of diplomats, highborn, and wealthy of the island in town for a wedding.   UNFINISHED ENTRY


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