Fusion of Saplings and Broodmother Scale Spell in The colored dimensions | World Anvil
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Fusion of Saplings and Broodmother Scale

This is a very basic spell used to give the broodmother a small foothold or a hook into our reality. As such, this is commonly one of the earlier spells to be employed by cultists of the green dimension to create a path into our reality. The resulting fused saplings are commonly used as sources of energy of the broodmother in other spells and rituals.


When the spell completes successfully, the three saplings will begin to fuse together around the shard of the brood mother. This will result in a strange plant or tree sapling like piece, but with three different kinds of leaves, as well as emanating a slowly pulsing green glow.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • The petals used in the ritual will either lose color and become very brittle, as if they became very, very dry, or they might turn straight into a strange dust.
  • Since the broodmother pulls on the energy of the caster as an anchor in this dimension, the caster will be exhausted after this spell for two to three days. In general, it is not possible to cast this more than twice a week, and most would probably do it less.


  1. Initially, when the runes are correctly made from the petal powder, they will start to dimly pulse in a green color. This is the first indication of a connection to the green dimension. When the user enters the Broodmothers Claw into the triangle created by the runes, the grooves in the blade of the Claw will light up in a dim green light, and the handle will softly vibrate. Moving the claw slowly will leave traces of green in the air above the triangle.
  2. Once the claw is glowing, the caster of this spell makes two strikes in the air above the saplings. Each of the strikes will open up a rift into the green dimension. These rifts look like tears in a piece of cloth, with their edges glowing in a bright green color, and the center being dark green.
  3. After a short moment, a sliver, about a fore arm in length will emerge from the cross of these two slices. It's usually slowly turning, and it'll generally make a slight singing noise, like a knife being slid across a metal surface. One side of the sliver will be dark green with bright green edges, the other side will usually be a strange, highly reflective silver.
  4. Without interaction from the caster, this sliver will lower between the three saplings and it will pull in the saplings. The saplings will begin fusing with creaking, cracking and other noises, until they end up fused with the shard.
  5. At this point, the slashes in the air will disappear and the green glow will also disappear.
Material Components
  • Petal Powder of Power is used to create a triangle of runes to draw upon power from the green dimension
  • Three different saplings of trees, grown up to about knee or hip height of an adult human


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