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Harvest: The Delirium Serum (Main Page)

  The year is 2061 and the world is in chaos. The old governments of the world have been completely eradicated due to economical collapse, conflict, famine, and disease. The United Nations no longer exists. From the ashes of the old, rise new nations. Some of these are completely new enterprises, seeking to carve a place for humanity in the new world.   However, some of these nations are the same world powers and corrupt regimes from the past operating under new faces.These surviving institutions are shadows of their former glory, having been freed from previous moral constraints and laws. Among them are the remains of the United States government and it's remaining allies which have seized a vast majority of the planet. This organization is now known as The Covenant , and has installed itself over its people as a new world order.   Like the United States before it, The Covenant has one of the worlds best military forces and stands unopposed across the globe. As such, citizens of The Covenant have found themselves able to return to a lifestyle of normality resembling the golden age of the nineties. However, the rules have changed! The Covenant is in complete control of everything.   The price of safety and normality comes at the cost of living in a totalitarian state. That isn't to say that people don't find happiness or don't have some freedoms. With the promise of ultimate protection through unadulterated obedience to your nation, idolization of the elite, celebrities, and pop culture has been allowed to return. The most elite members of society are privileged to afford the luxury of a very expensive legal designer drug known as The Delirium Serum. A substance that produces effects unlike any other known to man.   Capable of slowing and even reversing ageing, increasing stamina, and producing euphoria, among other effects. No one outside of the upper branches of The Covenant know where the drug comes from or how it is manufactured. No research exists, and anyone who gets too curious either suddenly abandons their work or dies. The world never really changes and people are still oblivious to what happens around them or too scared to speak out. This is where our story starts, in the cruel grasp of a government that knows no bounds and the secrets behind the source of this drug.

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