
Dwarves are one of the humanoid races. Together with gnomes and elves they are called the Elder Races, and along with gnomes they were one of the oldest sentient races on the Continent. An adult dwarf grows as tall as a human male's chest. They are more sturdy than humans, which makes them tougher and stronger. They usually grow long beards. Dwarves are often excellent soldiers, artisans and businessmen. While they tend to be uncouth, they are also jolly and cheerful.

The motherland of dwarves is Mahakam. Like other nonhumans, dwarves are often persecuted by Nordlings. Because of that, some dwarves were members of the Scoia'tael guerrilla allied with Nilfgaard during the empire's invasion of the Northern Kingdoms. These dwarves distinguished themselves from their brethren by wearing their beards in plaits.  



Dwarves once, before humans arrived on the Continent, worshipped a diety similiar to Melitele, in that they worshipped a goddess of harvest and fertility.


Dwarves arrived on the Continent between three to four-thousand years before the arrival of humans. The meeting between the dwarves and gnomes was peaceful, as the dwarves had no intention of invading and expanding.

General Information

Languages: Common Speech, Dwarvish
Locations: Mahakam Northern Kingdoms, Nilfgaardian Empire

Physical Characteristics

Average Lifespan: Around 200