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Chapter 1: Moonveil Manor

The group was invited to the annual dinner party held by Everhast’s resident philanthropist, a flamboyant high elf by the name of Lord Berkestaff. On the way to the manor, as the group entered the dark and dreary forest surrounding the Lord’s mansion, they were attacked by a ghost who, after paralyzing half the group in fear, was wholloped something good and darted away into the woods, wailing for them to beware. The group arrived at the manor at sunset, and spotted minimal staff tending to the vast gardens outside the sprawling home. They were welcomed enthusiastically by Berkestaff, who brought them inside and introduced them to the weekend’s other guests. Lord Berkstaff explained as he gave you all a tour of his grand manor, including the vast wine cellar, the guest rooms and armory on the second floor and the multistory library, that he’d been close friends and business partners with the founder of the town of Everhast. As an elf, he’d outlived his friend, and taken over as a defacto leader, providing work for, funding and entertainment for decades. Mitch secured future work digging irrigation ditches for Everhast with the lively fairbrand brothers, Galdor made his concern for Amy’s working conditions well known, while Artie studied the curious portrait and other artifacts around the library until they were all called in for dinner. Dinner itself was a tense affair, with Lady Silverhall and Hairette Lockwell flinging increasingly sharp barbs at each other until Lord Berkstaff, the Detective and the Constable all but had to haul them apart. After pittering about, investigating the empty attic, inspecting the varied swords and bear traps and the armory and exploring more of the home’s eclectic decor, the group split off and went to bed.   In the night, as you were on the cusp of sleep, a loud crash awoke you with a start from inside the manor. Upon investigation, you found Amy hovering with a broom and dustpan over the shatter remains of what could only have been a one-of-a-kind-vase. When asked what happened, she lied, saying she was getting a drink, but your WIDSOM revealed the truth and upon further proding, she revealed she’d seen Harriet stash a book high on the shelf and out of her reach. She attempted to climb the staircase, but slipped and broke the vase. A story verified by both the pulled out position of the bookshelf in question and the books nudged out of their otherwise perfect order in a clear indication of some attempting to scale the shelf. The book was revealed to be a book on cyphers. The other guests flooded into the library afterwards, startled away and slower than you all. It was only after Amy pointed it out that the absence of Lady Silverhall and Harriette. Valencia volunteered to check Lady Silverhall’s room, taking Artie with her while Galdor and Shadowwolf went to investigate Harriette's room. Downstairs, Mike stayed behind with the Detective and the Constable to investigate if someone had done in or out. Mike and the detectives found no signs that anyone had left the estate and moved into the dining room to investigate the kitchens as a starting point. Upstairs, the girls spotted nothing from outside the home, not even deer flocking around the peaceful manor and before they could leave were attacked by a mimic. It's attack mirrored one on the boys in Harriet's room, who had discovered her book of cyphers but were unable to figure them out. Downstairs, as Mitch opened the kitchen door, it was to find the kitchen had turned into a massive maw that was tearing Amy the tiefling to pieces. Valencia proceeded to blast a hole into the wine cellar, where Mitch and the others had watched him flee, and the group, minus the detective and the constable, fought the suddenly alive manor and the deranged Lord Berkstaff. It turned out that the high elf had been feeding people from Everhast to the manor for years for purposes unknown and he killed himself before answering any of the group's questions. They discovered that the house was some sort of ancient monstrosity, held in place by ancient elvish spells carved into the very brick. They took the curious picture of six men and a drow girl and returned to Everhast.
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Chapter 1: Moonveil Manor

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