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Cartus III Lorling

King Cartus III Lorling

The Chronicles of Rasfadal tell the story of King Cartus III, son of the incapable Looras V. The young prince was born in the midst of chaos, but he was destined for greatness. He ascended to the throne of Rasfadal in 564AP, ready to prove himself as a capable leader.   Cartus III was a warrior king, and his ambition knew no bounds. His reign was marked by a series of military conquests, most notably his successful campaign in the Great Vale, where he expanded Rasfadal's borders and brought the rebellious tribes to heel. He was a fierce fighter, leading his army into battle with great courage and determination.   Despite his military prowess, Cartus III was not without flaws. His single-minded focus on conquest left the northern coast vulnerable to rebellion, and he struggled to maintain stability in this region. Nevertheless, he was revered by his people for his bravery and military successes.   The death of Cartus III in 599AP was a great loss to the kingdom. He was mourned by his subjects, who remembered him as a strong and just ruler who had brought honor and glory to Rasfadal through his military conquests.
519 AP 599 AP 80 years old


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