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With their eye for detail and exceptional sensory abilities, gnomes are the finest craftsmen on the Continent. The finest swords in the world, Gwyhyr, are gnomish. They also excel in alchemy, metallurgy, and engineering. Due to their majestic works, gnomes are tolerated in human societies, though they rarely visit. Gnomes are generally known for being friendly, puckish, and liking to party. They are less abrasive than dwarves, less stern than elves, and less fussy than halflings, all of which contribute to their appeals, according to humans. In small human communities, a gnome can expect not only tolerance, but also friendship. Trouble might arise for them in larger human cities, however. Gnomes form large communes, much like dwarves do, but tend to structure themselves in a less authoritarian manner. These communes, the most notable two being the Tir Tochair and Mahakam Mountains, are typically led by a particularly respected gnome who gathers consensus at large peoples assemblies where the commune governs itself through direct democracy. Gnomes have a long history of friendship with the dwarves of the Continent, especially with the dwarves of Mahakam, with whom they have lived peacefully for many hundreds of years, working alongside them in mines and workshops.   Perhaps it is better that they by large sequester themselves away from human societies in their mountain communes. Human rulers have proven themselves not to be above jealousy and would love to gain gnomish secrets to better their armies; and they are certainly not above kidnapping. Man of the newest developments in human warfare could use improvements from gnomish technology, and who knows what they might do to get it.  



Pleasant Demeanor

Across the continent, gnomes are known for their fun-loving joyous personalities and puckish nature. Among humans, gnomes are often considered the most pleasant of the Non-humans. Gnomes gain an inherent +1 to Charisma.  

Eye for Detail

While elves and dwarves are among the greatest craftsmen in the world, gnomes possess the finest eye for detail on the entire continent making them excellent at many different crafts. It's not unusual to find a gnome who trades in gem-cutting, sword smith, and alchemy all at the same time. Gnomes gain an inherent +2 to any 3 Craft skills they choose. This bonus ignores the modifier for learning Difficult skills.  

Scent Tracking

A gnome's keen sense for detail extends to all their senses including their sense of smell. Gnomes gain an inherent +1 to their Awareness skill, as well as the ability to track things by scent alone.  

Small Stature

Gnomes are the smallest race on the Continent, measuring in around 1m tall on average. While they can be just as resilient as other races, they are generally physically weaker. Gnomes take an inherent -5 to Physique and calculate their hand-to-hand damage, bonus melee damage, and Encumbrance as though their BODY was 3 points lower. However, a gnome can slip into any area at least 0.5m wide with no issue and can fully conceal themselves behind an item or creature at least 1m by 1m.

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