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Farion Crow

Known by some as the pilferer of shallow graves, the tormenter of the undead, deaths faithful shadow, or the guardian of mausoleums, the Farion Crow can be found throughout Fanvanir. Wherever it is spotted, it is known death will have befallen something near. It is considered an omen, not of things to come, but of what has already passed, too late to prevent.

Basic Information


Standing at 1.5 meters in height and with a wingspan up to 2.5 meters in length, these birds are true terrors in the sky. Their feathers are black, however special structuring of the barbule strands along the vane trap light waves, letting them escape at seperated angles. This makes them appear more blue in the light and shimmer red at certain angles. It is unclear what purpose this adaptation serves, however males sport a colar of feathers they will fluff out in courtship displays. They have crimson eyes that are forward facing. They have a hooked beak. Their talons are split with three in the front and one in the back.

Genetics and Reproduction

Farion Crows lay eggs like most birds do. They prefer to construct their nests at the tops of large trees, or cliffsides. A pair will build and maintain the nest together, even sharing egg watching duties. However once the eggs hatch, it is up to the female to protect and feed the younglings while the male brings food to the nest.   But before all of that the Farion Crow's must first find a suitable partner to bond with. Farion Crow's mate for life and such a decision is not something they take lightly. Available males will put on displays at large gatherings, puffing their feathered crests and spreading their wings in vibrant displays. Testing their prowess as they vie for the best bits. They must show they can provide for their families if they want to have a chance of having one of their own. If a female is interested, she will test him herself with her own display. If the male does not back down, then she may accept him as her partner.

Growth Rate & Stages

A clutch of up to 4 eggs can hatch after about 3 weeks. The hatchlings are featherless, blind and completely dependent on their parents. The mother will tend to their every need for the next 8 months. She will barely leave their side while the father brings back whatever carion he can find. Normally the parents diet would consist of bones and sinew, substances too hard for a hatching to yet digest. The mother must strip off beakfuls of flesh for them to eat. Their secondary stomach acid, which does most of the heavy breakdown of bone materials, doesn't kick in until they are almost a year old.   Farions molt their feathers every year, however they do not molt them all at once. This prevents them from losing too many of their primary flight feathers, which would render them flightless. Hatchings molt twice while in the nest. Once to remove the initial baby down feathers they hatched with, which they lose in their entirety at 3 months. And the second at 7 months, in which they start to get their adult coats and flying feathers. Hatchlings typically learn to fly soon after.   Once out of the nest, the younglings will still stay by their parents for up to another 6 months, learning how to survive in their varied and often harsh environments.   Farion Crows are considered sexually mature at 2 years. It is unclear how long they can actually live, but one observed Farion has been recorded at its preferred nestsite for the last 27 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Farion Crows are primarily carrion consumers. They prefer and specialize in bone matter, although they are not particularly picky if they manage upon something juicier. Many other scavengers rely on them to get into particularly tough carcasses. With their strong beaks and talons they are able to pull apart tough hides, allowing others to get into the softer insides.   Groups of Farion Crows have been known to work together. Highly intelligent, they've been observed harrassing and attacking the undead. It is considered a rare instance however, one of desperation.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Farion Crow has excellent long range vision, the better to help locate its preferred food source. It is projected to have eyesight at least 8 times better than that of a normal Human.   Their sense of smell, specifically for that of putrifaction, is also highly tuned. They can smell a rotting piece of meat from up to 5 kilometers away.
Average Height
Average Weight
4.5 to 7 kg
Average Length
2.5m wingspan

Farion Crow CR: 2

Medium beast, any
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 33 (6d8+6) 6d8+6
Speed: 15 ft , fly: 90 ft


16 +3


14 +2


12 +1


6 -2


16 +3


6 -2

Saving Throws: Dex +5, Con+4
Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances: Necrotic
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Challenge Rating: 2

Bite as a bonus action the Farion crow can bite a creature it's restraining.Melee weapon attack, +6 hit for 2d8+3 slashing damage.


Claw Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit for 1d8+3 piercing, a creature hit must succeed a dc 12 dexterity save or be restrained and knoked prone. A creature can repeat this save as an action. The restrained condition is removed if the Farion crow moves and the Farion crow cannot use it's claw while restraining a creature.

Known by some as the pilferer of shallow graves, the tormenter of the undead, deaths faithful shadow, or the guardian of mausoleums, the Farion Crow can be found throughout Fanvanir. Wherever it is spotted, it is known death will have befallen something near. It is considered an omen, not of things to come, but of what has already passed, too late to prevent.

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