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“You want curse blade? Blessed blade? Oh I see, you are looking for something more refined, more devious? I have just the thing. Ah, reminds me of my darling Astrin, this does.”
— Hummel
  Kabhat is one of the hub roosts for the regions Chiroptrix trade routes. From plundered forgotten treasures brought in from the Graven Heaps, to rare (insert rare Rak'Tor goods), Kabhat is the premiere place to go for oddities west of the Spine. The roost is carved into the black shale formations of Mt. Disca, near Igottaslep Pass.   The front entrance to Kabhat can be reached by rope latter, pully system, or by air. This is because the entrance to the cave systems are high off the ground, some 50 meters up a sheer cliffside. From the outside, Kabhat looks just like the side of a shale mountain, with its alternating sediment bands. The only discerning feature, if one knows where to look, are depressions where dewellings have made openings for airflow.   The many tunnels and offshute chambers create an elaborate almost mazelike cave system that is 5 stories tall. The lowest of the levels goes to the very root of the mountain, where pools of mineral water collect.   Once up to Kabhat proper, it is anything but barren. Many of the stone walls that mark individual dwellings are covered in colored draperies and expensive finery. A system of chimes are placed throughout the structure, often used for navigation in near darkness. Most of the lighting is natural, however there are notches in the stonework where braziers are lit. There are many rooms set up for temporary use as people come and go. Chiroptrix generally accept travellors of all sorts and will offer them respite if they have proven themselves amicable guests. Only a small population stay year round. There is a central chamber that is used for social gatherings, most commonly meals.


85% Chiroptrix 15% Other Species 85% Adults 2% Children 13% Elderly 15% Tradesman/Barters 15% Stitchers 20% Raiders/Delvers/Adventurers 30% Balloon Whale handler

Industry & Trade

Rare goods from neighboring countries.   Trademarked embroidered clothe that glows blue in the dark.   Balloon whale husbandry

Points of interest

~Small stone structures called Wansubs, less than a foot tall, are gathered in clusters in various places throughout the roost. Shaped roughly like hand carved huts, these structures are believed to house the ancestors/recently deceased family of the Chiroptrix that dwell in the roost. These spirits are often prayed to, offering guidance to their still living relatives. It is considered rude to disturb these structures and in some cases physical retaliation can be the result for the disrespect. Offerings of food are often left in their honor during certain holidays. It is believed the spirits are used as messengers to relay prayers to their gods and ancient ancestors.   ~The "trading post" is near the entrance. It is run by an old Chrioptrix with a broken wing name Hummel. He lives there and see's it as his personal mission to scope out newcomers to make sure they aren't there to cause any trouble. Will tell stories of how he was the Shaman's chosen pair back in his prime.   ~In the lowest chambers of the Kabhat roost, suspended over silent pools of black water, are giant silk worms. The Chiroptrix harvest their spun silk and use them in embroidery that glows a faint blue in the dark.


Many of the surrounding mountains are used by Balloon whales as rearing grounds for their young. Chiroptrix have cultivated the skills to domesticate the younglings as beasts of burden. Altho primarily used for transporting goods from ground level to the roost, they've also been known to give rides.   It is also a common to see younger Chiroptrix selling pins made of embroidered flowers as a way of promoting the roost. It is a lucrative commodity for them.
Trade post
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