Aechel goddess of the Oceans

Goddess Aechel

Aechel is the eldest deity; she is the mother the arch Gods, and Goddesses other than those who sit in the golden circle with her. Her domain is the boiling oceans of Aystina, it's said that when she's displeased the waters will rise and cleanse the planet which is why the continents that the Laciilo reside on all have high walls protecting them, gracing them with her praises. She is the Patron goddess of Mothers, and life. Aechel is called upon to bless wedding ceremonies, to wish the couple luck in their new lives and at the blessings of newborns for the same luck. She is also the most common home goddess, many Laciilo choosing her as their personal goddess, calling on her for many reasons and praying to her, Mothers often say her name in a casual prayer when her children or spouse is being exasperating. (ie: "Aechel save us from the eternal sea of your vanity!")

Divine Domains

The Oceans, Mothers and Life
by Drof
Divine Classification


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