Insolus God of the Brightest Sun

Insolus is the eldest God, as the first male god he is most revered as their personal god, standing for everything masculine. Patron god of Males, strength and hunting. As the God of the closest sun, he is believed to have control over the planet, over ruling even Aechel whom is the mother of the planet because he can kill all her mortal children without a thought. As such he has the largest following many believing that keeping him happy trumps honoring the other deities. He is the Patron god of Males, strength and hunting. Insolus is most often called upon by hunters asking his blessings for strength, and by younger Males to bless them with is strength, and luck in finding a mate. He not a house God, no Laciian would willingly invite this temperamental god into their home for risk of offending him. However he is often honored in the hunter's storage huts and in even the smallest communities there will be at the very least a shrine dedicated to him in the center of town or the church.
Divine Classification


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