Norrux God of the Still Water

Norrux is the only second generation deity to be elevated to an Over Deity, as the first son of Aechel and Accelen he is ruled only by them and only to an extent. As still water pools are extremely uncommon on Aystina the Laciilo hold them in honor of Norrux the silent water a ceremonial resting place for the dead. As such Norrux is God of the Dead, charged with the guidance and protection of traveling souls, getting them to the next life without harm. Norrux is called on to preside over funerals and bless those moving on to the next life, and to protect them on their journey. Even though he is the God of the dead, the Laciilo take this event as one of joy for their loved one moving on to a better life, as such Norrux is a god who is called to joyously. Despite that he is not a god that the Laciilo want in their homes at all times, fearing he might grow too fond of them and lead them down a path to an early demise in order to meet them face to face.

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