Tuk Tuk Tree

Basic Information


Tuk Tuk trees are small flowering trees that grow between the larger native trees of Aystina. These trees are considered quite beautiful, the flowers range in color from white to a dark pink. 

The tree grows from a single trunk though often they will grow clustered together and weave into each other.

They have 2 - 4 inch, elliptic-ovate in shape, dark green leaves that are often hidden by the flowers when in full bloom. Though Aystina has no true 'fall' season when the flowers are shed and the plant is producing fruits the leaves will take on a red shimmer, becoming fully red for three months or so before the tree is ready to flower again.

The bark is non-descript brown-green that blends in with the dense foliage of Aystina often creating the illusion of floating flowers or fruits. 

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most flowering plants the Tuk Tuk Tree relies on pollinators to facilitate pollination, however the range of insects that it attracts is extremely small. Only three known species of beetles currently serve as the tree's main pollinators. This is part of what contributes to it being so hard to artificially seed. Hand pollination is possible but difficult. 

Growth Rate & Stages

The Tuk Tuk tree is a slow growing tree in comparison to the other native trees. It takes at least three years for the tree to be considered established enough to survive any harvesting of fruits or flowers, and even then it's recommended to wait at least five years before disturbing it. At mature height the tree will average around 25 - 30 feet, growing on average less than half a foot each year. 

Ecology and Habitats

By nature of it's home planet the Tuk Tuk tree thrives best in tropical temperatures and damp soil. Its currently theorized that there is something unique to either the soil or water on Aystina that contributes to the effects of the flowers as they cannot be replicated off planet. 

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The flowers are a powerful hallucinogenic used by priests to speak with the gods, predict the future and dozens of other rites. The flowers are harvested in the middle of blooming season to get as many viable flowers as possible, they are then very carefully dried and stored until they are needed. The most popular method for utilizing the effects of the flowers is burning the petals either in an open fire for communal use or rolled up for individual use. 

The use of the flowers has tapered off in many of the more progressive clans as the plant became harder to find due to over harvesting and upon the discovery that its very addictive. The Blackfire clan however paired with their refusal to abandon tradition still harvests the flowers as they always have.
15 - 30 years
Conservation Status
The Tuk Tuk Tree is currently endangered, between the over harvesting and the rapidly expanding cities of Aystina its wild presence has been drastically reduced. Efforts to introduce off-planet seedlings have varied in success; some have matured but the flowers do not have the same effects as the trees grown on Aystina. Many more have simply died. There are a few areas on Aystina where they are working to establish groves for the explicit purpose of preserving the natural trees however it's proving difficult to control where the seedlings take root and prosper.
Average Height
25 - 30 feet
Geographic Distribution


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