Usicel God of the Youngest Star

Usicel is the youngest of the brothers, and as such often tries to outshine his brother despite his smaller stature. As one of the suns he does play a minor role in the protection of the planet and because both his brothers are occupied in the winter months on other sides of the planet it is his job to protect the Laciilo during this time. Usciel is the patron god of Tricksters and Valor, because no matter how he may play around this god is always there for those he holds with respect. Usicel is called on for protection in the winter months, and for his blessing or guidance in a particularly tricky endeavor, especially if Insolus would not approve of it. As an honorable God Usicel is a more common house god with often a temporary shrine kept in decent condition to keep his blessing in the winter when they are less protected.
Divine Classification


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