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Trolls are large, ape-like, dim-witted humanoids endowed with three eyes. Their powerful arms and claws deal massive physical damage. Trolls regenerate themselves quite quickly, an ability that is only annulled if exposed to fire. In some cases their regeneration prevents their death completely, making the scorching of their corpses the only way to truly kill them. Trolls are found all over Tamriel, mostly in caves and forested areas. The Frost Troll found at higher elevations is a stronger cousin of its lowland variety. Other varieties include Swamp Trolls, River Trolls,Cave Trolls, Forest Trolls, and Lowland Trolls. Weak trolls are sometimes known as Trollkin. Trolls are known to sometimes grow to tremendous sizes, and were much larger and more powerful during the chaos of the Dawn Era.   Trolls are often trained and armored for use as war beasts. Powerful mages are known to use trolls as guardians. Troll Fat is commonly used in alchemy, and troll skulls are popular hunting prizes.

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