Agnés dan Labrait Character in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

Agnés dan Labrait

Once, and technical still queen of Tellia should she still be alive somehow, though her nation has long since been devoured by it's neighbors in her absence.
  Vanished without a single trace during the Tellian Affair, with nothing ever found or seen of hers again, even in the way other disappearances often turn similar looking people in mistakenly. Nothing at all.
  She was a popular ruler at the start of her reign when she was a young woman, but she regularly got her nation involved in large wars, which Tellia conducted itself well within (partially by her direction, which bolstered her popularity) but still the casualties were untenable. A subsistence farmer even attempted to organize and assassination attempt against her when he realized that half of his field has been converted to graves while he had been away fighting as a conscript, and all of them were full.

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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