Haesvina de'l'talla ver Coyesin Character in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

Haesvina de'l'talla ver Coyesin

Industrialist extraordinaire and part time inventor, Madam Coyesin cut an imposing figure across the business landscape for nearly 30 years, building a railroad empire across the known world from nothing, and setting out on a great deal of public works projects. The effectiveness of these works is somewhat disputed, but the general social outlook upon them is positive.
  Her most recent segment, and still actively working on, is the The Trans Equitorial Railway.
  The railway is intended to link all major continents and landmasses and forge a new highway into the unknown parts of the world. The main line will follow the equator as much as it can, with branches that connect everything else.
  The construction is heavily magical and as such has already racked up quite the pricetag, which is still climbing, leading to an issue of investors and liquid funds. Currently, the rails are stalled at the edge of the map with work crews rotating in and out with nothing to do.

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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