Luldae Species in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil


Trust me kid, people have tried to cut dowsing rods from those antlers before, thought it was a get rich quick scheme just like you do now. It's bad luck.   The kind of bad luck that will get you killed.

Luldae are a species of herd cervine that has an incredible sensitivity to ambient Aether, as well as the seasonal disposition of the land that it lives on. This sensitivity is a useful tool to human observers, and gave the species a special place within human society for a long time. So long that references to Luldae have been dated back to before the arrival of Tiamat.   Their usefulness is twofold. The first is found in their coat, which is sensitive to the seasonal disposition  of the land. Depending on that disposition, it changes colors and properties, and the differences are rather pronounced, allowing for quick assertion of whether one has found oneself in summerlands or winterlands.  
  • For summerlands, the coat becomes tan and greatly thinned out, resulting in fur that is quite fine and soft to the touch.
  • For springlands, the coat becomes red and is slightly thicker than the summerland coat, and while is still soft it has a bit more substance to it.
  • For Autumnlands, the coat becomes a purple-blue tone and thicker than the springlands coat. This coat has a reputation for being perfect for warming light coats.
  • For Winterlands, the coat becomes dark blue, to the point of being close to black, and far thicker than any other coat. At more than one point in history, this coat was well-lauded for its heat retention in the coldest areas of the world and its ability to break the wind.
  The second useful facet of the Luldae is their antlers, which both glow and grow in the presence of Aether. The growth is at a slow rate, a general increase to the spread at which their antlers grow, while the glow is directly proportional to the amount of Aetherthat is in the immediate vicinity. In particularly Aether-dense areas, the horns of the Luldae can glow so brightly as to provide enough light for a whole room to comfortably read, even in the farthest corner.   The Aether reactive property is inherent to the horn itself, meaning that it will still glow even if the beast itself is no longer in this world. This has led to enterprising individuals hunting the Luldae to carve little Aether dowsing rods out of their antlers, in the hopes that they could be used to direct the holder to large Aether reservoirs or crystal deposited, though more than a few times in history a particular care for the species has developed, protecting them from the depredations of enterprising man.

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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