
Formerly one of the largest tribal ethnicities in Shaisvara, the Nishani were effectively wiped out in the age of myth, supposedly by Agroha Ambarisha as retaliation for betraying him after swearing fealty. Their tribal colors are described in ancient texts as 'mercury and opal', so assumedly some shade of silver and that rainbow-colored gemstone.
  Supposedly, the conflict that wiped them out is what created the Killing Plains. The story never truly elaborates as to how that was possible.
  A people that have taken the name of the Nishani live within the Killing Plains but are generally regarded as not the original tribe that the legend speaks of. Despite this, the vast amount of Shaisvaran society places great ill will upon them and their occasional raids. Particular individuals hailing from various beast tribes have also, seemingly, joined with this tribe, further mudying the waters.
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