The Ahuiatē Macteoh Character in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

The Ahuiatē Macteoh

An icon of pleasure, it is said that she looked upon the Xupantla people as they toiled in their fields and terraces, and pittied them. As a reward for their work, she taught several of them the techniques that were needed to construct cities of great size, which she had learned from her siblings.    The first city they built, she aided them throughout the process and in the end it was a metropolitan center like no other of it's time. The Xupantla named it Xochiyotli, and it became their capital and has remained as such.     Within the city, the "Sun Dancer" is given special importance upon altars and during the performances of the Red Gardens for her role in it's creation.
Her name translates to "Dancer of All Suns"

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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