The Celestial College Building / Landmark in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

The Celestial College

A storied institute of learning, the Celestial College has acted as the academic center for Nianqi, Empire of the Iron Court since the formation of the Iron Court.   It covers subjects from archeology to the nation's famously robust (and confusing) bureaucracy, it's main focus is that of the magical professions, and how magic can be used to achieve great feats of engineering and science.   Anyone who is anyone in Nianqi, and especially the Iron Court, has attended the Celestial College and the diploma markers that they give out, an iron rode carved with information of the barer and their learned status, then inlaid with Crystlas that align with the "base" elements. They are nearly impossible to make a forgery of, not that it's every stopped attempts, and those that produce them have produced them for generations, carefully guarding the secrets of their production.
College / Academy

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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