The First Murder

Lo, the Great Wyrms wept for their murdered sibling who's blood still stained the ground. Their tears flowed so freely as to feed the oceans, to create lakes and rivers where they landed and flew.   Yet, their sorrow proceeded an all more human emotion.   Rage. Rage, at the loss of a life that by all rights should have been eternal. Rage, that one of their kind could do something so heignous.   Then the accusations came. The Wyrms themselves accused each other of the murder, and their human followers reinforced them or leveled accusations of their own. It would not take long for the tension to break. Violently.   By the time that the Wyrms would expend their rage, the First Murder would not stand out in the face of the conflict that had followed it.
-The Sage of Red Lillies, Codex Draconis

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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