The Red Angel of Malchia

-I saw the Angel climb high above the clouds, even as I fled miles and miles away from Malchia.    Though my eyes should have remained in front of me, making sure that I did not catch my foot on any stones or roots, I could not stop looking back every few steps to the ruby colored shape that only seemed to grow larger and larger. Slowly, inexorably, I saw it raise it's blade with two hands, it's wings spread wide, like an executioner prepared to cleave a prisoners head from his shoulders in a single strike.   When it's blade reached it's apex, crossing in front of the sun and casting a hellish red light on the landscape around me, my legs finally failed me. Petrified with fear, I toppled into the dirt and impotently attempted to rise again. Finally I rolled onto my back, resigned to the death that awaited me and yet... Nothing.    I stared into the clear blue sky and found nothing. No titanic angel, nor trace of it's ruby red light was left behind.    For a time I simply stared, dumfounded and exhausted, before my eyes closed and I slept, hoping it all to be a dream. My awaking on the ground dashed those hopes, but still I saw no trace of the colossal figure that I had scene. Finally, I was able to control my legs once more, and I stood, before resolving myself to trek back home and make sure everything was as I left it. I would take besieged over whatever it was the angel had planned.    I was to be disappointed in that thought. When I finally exited the woods around Malchia, I first did not realize that I had made it to my destination and thought that I must have taken a wrong turn and ended up in some massive clearing, but no, I had found Malchia if you could call it that anymore. Beneath my feet was a pane of ruby colored glass, spreading as far as I could see in every direction.
-Story told by a man living in a shack near the Headstone of Malchia 

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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