The Silberwald Geographic Location in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

The Silberwald

The largest forest within the borders of the Tsarinate and the whole of the Brumel, the silverwald covers most of the eastern side of the Tsarinates territory, while spreading north past the border into Beast Tribe territory. Besides the prerequisite lumber needed to keep a modern nation running, there hasn't been much exploitation of the Silberwald, for a variety of reasons that largely boil down to the influence of Brui culture on the cultural mind of the Tsarinate and it's nations.
  To the Brui, a nomadic people who lived on the open plains, the Silberwald was a place of reverent fear, where one did not go unless necessary. A general belief that has carried over to the sedentary people of the Tsarinate. Parents often warn against their children going into the forest with stories of characters like Madam Chourien, and those tht make a living in the forest are often viewed as...a bit off.
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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