The World Tree

"No, unfortunately the Great Wyrms did not show us where upon the tree we might reside, if the tree is not a metaphorical structure. We have, within record, not actually stepped upon the tree itself, only using it's superceeding structure to guide the expeditions to planes that we already knew existed from Lady Tiamat's teachings, such as the planes of water and of fire.   If one chooses to operate on the assumption that the term "world tree" is born from a literal interpretation, then we may exist anywhere upon it's branches.   To be concerned with if we reside upon the topmost branches or the roots is a question that holds no true weight to it, as I cannot believe that the metaphysical construct that holds the plurality of universe together operates on the same rules as a mundane tree without some sort of prior evidence.   That is to say nothing of the childish notion comparing ones placement upon a structure of such cosmological importance would be should we find ourselves upon it's branches. It is almost certain that if there is, in fact, life upon the world tree, then it likely would operate in much the same way as we do."
-Professor Jans Eisennina presenting at Katenja College
Metaphysical, Astral

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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