King Igaram D. Cobra

The current king of Alabasta. From a young age, Igaram was known as a prodigy in combat, unrivaled even by those years older than him. Word of the young Igaram's prowess spread throughout the kingdom, and not long after, all of Agutare. Challengers came from all over Agutare to challenge him and see the so called prodigy for themselves, and each one tasted defeat at the end of Igaram's blade. The challenges came to a head when an unknown, supposedly overseas warrior requested a bout with Igaram. Of course, the challenge was accepted and Igaram arrived at the agreed upon location for the bout. Waiting for him there was not an overseas warrior, but 50 assassins sent to eliminate him. Nearby locals claimed that, as the many assassins approached Igaram, the sun itself shone the strongest beam of sunlight they had ever seen, directly onto his blade, seemingly engulfing it in a heavenly radiance. Witnesses say they were too entranced by his sword's radiance to see the fight that ensued, but all agree, by the end there were 50 dead assassins with Igaram standing victoriously over them, without a scratch. From then on, he became known as Igaram D. Cobra, one of only 5 Cobras to take on the Will of D..


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