Kariopp the Porcett

Considered one of the great spirit lords of earth. Kariopp is known by their many names and powers. It is unknown is Kariopp is male, female or just a source of power personified. The patron lord of necromancers, of clerics dealing in life, death and undeath.    Not much of Kariopp is known, though is said to live in a cavern of enormous crystals. Kariopp is associated with the lords of chaos, though at times the lord sidees with the lords of law or even of the balance. It is unknown why such happens or what there is to gain from such shifting allegences. Kariopp as a patron gives associated wizards and clerics a strip of parchment formed from the mummy wraps of their body. This over time grafts onto the necromancer or devotee, often leading to patchy skin slowly forming into mummy wraps over time. A common side effect is the ability to control more undead than other equally skilled persons, as well as a permanent stench of undeath and rot.

Divine Domains

Undead, death, stone, crytal


Four horns were removed from his head at various times. Each has been used to craft powerful artifacts. Only three are known what they look like. The first is the Horned Helm, the second the Cauldron of the Dead, and the last is the Horned Staff.

Holy Books & Codes

The Leabhar Gan Bas is Kariopp's  own tome of knowledge, rumoured to host the knowledge of all death and undeath.    His worhipers follow the Scrolls of Bone as their tennants. The Cult of Odex the Unholy uses the Codex Daemoneous, as a seperate and divergent work.

Tenets of Faith

Most revere the Lord of Undeath by means of appeasance to protect their cherished dead from foul reach. This is often in forms of buriel pyres or salt lined coffins and prayers over graveyards.   Others revere and desire Kariopp's power, these are most often cultists desiring long life or necromancers desiring compelled servants. Three known spells granted by Kariopp are the spells of Crystal growth, Unlife, and Dimmensional Binding.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord of Undeath, Lord of Mummification
Current Status
Red and glowing
7' 3"

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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