Temporal Halting

Temporal Halting is in some ways the reverse of hasting or quickening. It is a great way to make things or people last longer. This general category of process has multiple forms, but each means that no actions can be taken as time litterally appears to stop for the subject or within it's radius. It isn't always spherical as it doesn't conform to a 3 dimentional geometry but something in higher dimensions. All such magical fields require significant magical engery. The easy ways of obtaining it are less than savory.   The reverse has rarely been used of Temporal Acceleration, most often when trying to develop a technology without being noticed by a foreign power. Most however would prefer not to accelerate their lives away.

Types known:

  Elf/Dragon Sleep: Dragons may have discovered it, but elves made it known to the rest of the world. This long sleep focuses on one biologoc entity, putting it into a form of status. It can be set to be triggered or for a fixed time, but allows dragons and elves to extend lives past their normal lifespan.   Deep Storage: This is used for things that shouldn't be touched for decades or centuries. It is intentional, controlled and in a well maintained locality. The more advanced versions can temporaily susspend the temporal effect instead of just dropping the tecnique. A well known version is the Life Vaults of the Druidic order of Maltin.   Time Trap: Some are the effect of mishaps, others intentional traps set for individuals. They are expensive in time and resources to make which limits how often such traps are employed.   Deep Siezure: This is always the effect of a great accident. These are places where time is almost stopped, almost in a defined area and almost always dangerous.
It is unknown how far back these tecniques go. It is beleived they were first learned by the dragons.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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