The Moon Gheloer

The world of Gorel has one tidally locked moon named Gheloer. It is far from uninhabitable however. While the loss of the Mystic Engines was a significant disruption to the Crystal Domes, many of the deep realms were relatively unaffected.   Only three Crystal Domes are in active operation and unlike the main world of Gorel they were spared the dismantling of Portal Networks imposed due to the The Plague of Silmora. The elvish society of The Moon Drinkers maintain the three Crystal Domes, which are named Tirr Angod, Orv Horgal, and Horomod Gul. All three are located in the equatorial region of the moon, and have fantastic botanical gardens of plants specifically bred to live well in the lower gravity. Even so, most of the plants are vining, fern, bushes and smaller plants with trees being held in great regard due to the scarcity. Each has a ring of trees around their central city portal which acts as a monument to their skill at cultivating trees in the harsh environment. They are becoming active enough that there are plans to reclaim additional crystal domes, for habitations and use.   The deep realms of Kosuki, Quendphor, Bengat, and Matti Roj are all fantastic locations specializing in mineral extraction, forging and the creation of Void ships. They feed themselves on bacterially grown yeasts, gelatins, etc. Supplemented with cave grown mushrooms, and traded foodstuffs. The manufacture of steel silver plating, armaments, and devices as well as lightweight durinim is of critical trade value. The star sapphires are a common available gemstone and feature prominent in the local jewelry trades. Wood is highly prized, as are the gardens due to their rarity as difficulty in establishing sizable planting space. The dwarves, and gnomes make the majority of the local population and the mechanical wonders are a sight to behold.
Planetoid / Moon

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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