The Second Plauge

The second plauge is actually a series of conditions that plauged the worlds in the aftermath of civil disolusion that occured after the The Plague of Silmora. While this second plauge has recurred multiple times, as things have stabalized culturally and legally is has subsided in most areas of Gorel. At times a sepecific varient of this second plauge occurs in a region when old sewer systems are disrupted. This is called an Ooze plauge, and is due to long stagnant oozes being infected after long years of isolation and coming to the surface and infecting people with strange new varients of diseases.   Common diseases are typhoid, green worm fever, cholera, and dysentery.

Transmission & Vectors

The transmission of these diseases is a mix of contact, aerosolized bacteria and water borne virus'. They bred a lot in situations of poor sanitation. The failure of sanitary facilities and systems as part of the upheaval of The Plague of Silmora and the subsequent wars led to poor living conditions and a rise in transmissable diseases.   Most particularly was the death of many oozemasters who controlled the sanitation oozes that facilitated many cities sewer systems.


Most commonly diarrhea, swelling, coughing, fever and wasting.


Healing spells, clean environment, and general healing tinctures. The Tinctures are often anti-inflamatory, suppresants, and stomach soothers. Most are made from plants and animals with varying levels of avaliability.


Alone they are frequently not lethal, but at times with malnutrition, war or several kinds of disease at once they can be. The most common time is when a set of new strains are released all at once in an unearthed ooze induced plauge.


Good sanitization procedures make the most difference, but with supply chains and sanitation facilities disrupted after the plauge of silmora, that has been much more difficult to maintain.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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