Zol Peat

Zol peat is used for fertilizer as well as for heating fuel. Due to it burning periodically green due to the high copper content, it isn’t considered appropriate for food consumption due to the belief that the green color is that of sickness and death.  However it is commonly used for heating homes and providing light for the poor.   Zol peat is harvested near the Anogoul/Demex border in the Zol marshes and used by local populations on both sides. Occasionally it is also harvested by others who come to the region for trade.   Wizards enjoy the use of Zol peat when concentrated as Zol powder as it can be used to easily tinge fire spells green. While mostly cosmetic, some have theorized that the addition of more carnivorous plant husks there might be the ability to induce paralysis. Zol powder is  not uniform in it's creation and the abilities vary significantly. One process resulted in a fireball that could not be put out for hours even with continual water attempting to douse it. Thankgfully only one wizard knows that process and it isn't a common formulation.   Zol Oil is a concentrated oil extracted from the peat which is often used for decorative reasons as it burns clear and green with a distinct odor. Night time rituals of various worshipers of local dieties will common use the oil in addition to other oils to have a range of color flames. The cult of Azor uses the oil in decorative circles to be run through on the darkest night of the year. Several deaths have been reported due to these rituals and most avoid the cult of Azor generally due to their masochism and dangerous rituals.



Bricks that are dried
As peat, low value. As Oil or Powder they are of significant value
yellow, green, brown and red

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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Aug 3, 2023 21:35 by Sebastian Du Pont

A very interesting article! Although I wish it had some headers to be a bit easier to read. How does the peat get concentrated into a powder or oil?