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Angelic Alliance (An-Jel-Ik Ah-Lai-Uhns)

The Angelic Alliance stands as a testament to the union of divine artifacts, a revered creation forged amidst the maelstrom of the Dark War's chaos. It represents the pinnacle of celestial magic, a singular weapon of unrivaled might that held the potency to counter the malevolent force wielded by Abraxas. This holy sword, infused with divine essence, drew its power from six separate relics: the Armor of Wonder, Sword of Judgement, Celestial Necklace of Bliss, Sandals of the Saint, Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment, and Lion's Shield of Courage. These revered artifacts, each holding its own divine essence, were brought together through ancient rituals and intricate enchantments, creating a weapon that embodied the epitome of purity and strength, capable of standing against the darkest of evils in the tumultuous landscape of the Dark War.


The Angelic Alliance, a culmination of ancient relics, bore a storied history woven through the annals of the Crean Isles. Each component held profound significance. The Armor of Wonder, a symbol of protection and resilience, was lost in the cataclysmic collapse of Arium, vanishing amidst the chaos. The Sandals of the Saint, known for their swiftness and grace, found a resting place in the heart of the Lisena swamps, concealed by ancient enchantments. The Celestial Necklace of Bliss, embodying serenity and wisdom, was safeguarded within the impenetrable borders of Preton, ensconced deep within Valtara's fortress. The Sword of Judgment, a beacon of justice, vanished when Anteos fell into the throes of fiery destruction, lost to the tumultuous flames. The Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment, a source of divine insight, was last seen amidst the ruins of Ellismeda, concealed within the sealed vaults of an ancient library. The Lion's Shield of Courage, a bastion of valor, was enshrouded by the darkness of Ous, believed to have been buried within the caverns of Noxis.   During the Dark War, Albion, wielding the unified might of the Angelic Alliance, emerged as a pivotal force. The sword's divine power proved instrumental in thwarting Elcan's ambitions and, ultimately, striking down the malevolent Aragus and the dark overlord, Abraxas. Albion's mastery over the sword was a testament to his unwavering resolve and innate connection to its profound energies. His strategic prowess and valor combined with the sword's divine essence, elevating him to a formidable and revered figure in the conflict.   In the aftermath of the war, the Angelic Alliance found its resting place within the guarded walls of Starstrike. There, the sword remains, a symbol of hope and a testament to the valiant deeds accomplished during the tumultuous era of the Dark War.


The Angelic Alliance, an epitome of divine magic and unification, stood as a counterbalance to the dark forces that plagued the Crean Isles during the Dark War. Crafted from six disparate artifacts, its significance lay not just in its formidable power but in the unity it symbolized. In the conflict's darkest hours, the sword proved pivotal, countering the malevolent energies wielded by Elcan's Blackshard of the Dead Knight. The clash between these two artifacts became the focal point of the war's decisive battles, their opposing forces locking in a struggle that rippled across the planes. The Angelic Alliance, a beacon of light and hope, offered a formidable resistance against the malefic influence of Elcan's dark artifact, showcasing its unmatched power in the face of formidable adversity.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
7 A.D.W.
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
The Angelic Alliance stands as an unparalleled and exceedingly rare artifact in the annals of legend. Crafted once through the fusion of six distinguished relics, it remains a singular entity, existing as the only manifestation of its divine power. Albion, the esteemed leader of the Crimson Knights, bears the sole possession of this revered sword.
Raw materials & Components
6 Separate artifacts must be combined to forge the Angelic Alliance:   Armor of Wonder,  Celestial Necklace of Bliss,  Sandals of the Saint,  Sword of Judgement,  Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment,  Lion's Shield of Courage,

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