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Centaur (Sen-Tor)

Centaurs, majestic and robust beings, predominantly inhabit the sprawling landscapes of Caena and Liverley in the Crean Isles. With the upper body of a human seamlessly fused with the powerful lower body of a horse, centaurs embody strength and agility. Known for their affinity with the natural world, centaurs often form symbiotic relationships with the vast grasslands and wooded areas they call home. Their unique connection to nature aligns with the architectural aesthetics of Rampart-Style towns, where they contribute to the construction and maintenance of these harmonious communities. This partnership extends beyond the physical, as centaurs embrace their role as protectors of the wild, ensuring the balance between civilization and the untamed beauty of their surroundings.

Basic Information


Centaurs boast a striking blend of human and equine characteristics. The upper half comprises a humanoid torso with arms, head, and chest, while the lower half seamlessly transforms into the powerful body of a horse. This dual anatomy grants them the advantages of both worlds — the dexterity and intelligence of humans and the speed and strength of horses.

Growth Rate & Stages

Centaurs progress through distinct life stages, beginning as infants with a reliance on their human-like upper body for nurturing. As they reach adolescence, their equine lower bodies undergo substantial development, and they achieve full maturity in early adulthood. Growth is relatively steady, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the demands of their hybrid physique.

Ecology and Habitats

Centaurs thrive in a variety of ecosystems, but they are particularly drawn to expansive grasslands and wooded areas. The open spaces allow them to utilize their equine bodies effectively, while the forests provide ample resources for their communities. Centaur settlements often feature interconnected towns, adopting architectural styles conducive to their unique physiology, such as the Rampart style.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Centaurs are omnivores, with a diet centered around the abundance of their natural surroundings. They forage for a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains, complemented by occasional hunting for proteins. This balanced diet contributes to their physical well-being and aligns with their harmonious connection to nature.

Biological Cycle

While centaurs don't hibernate, their biological cycles are influenced by seasonal changes. They may experience shedding of their equine coat during transitional periods, adapting to the environmental shifts. This cyclical aspect of their biology ensures their continued synchronization with the natural world.


Centaurs exhibit communal behaviors, fostering strong connections within their communities. Their social structure emphasizes cooperation and a symbiotic relationship with the land they inhabit. This behavior reflects their role as stewards of the natural world, ensuring the preservation of their ecosystems and the well-being of both their species and the diverse flora and fauna surrounding them.
Scientific Name
Equihumanus Centaurus
80 - 100 Years
Average Height
5'6" - 6'
Geographic Distribution
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