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Dargath (Dar-Gath)

The Founder (a.k.a. The Frostforged Patriarch)

Dargath, the revered founder of Preton, bore the physical semblance of his unique lineage—a fusion of human and fey genetics. His skin bore a rosy hue, a testament to his mixed heritage, complemented by the verdant shade of his hair that cascaded in waves. His distinctive features included pointed ears, reminiscent of his fey ancestry, and glowing yellow eyes that echoed the latent power within him. Dargath's legacy was marked by monumental feats; he laid the cornerstone of Preton's foundation, orchestrating the establishment of the illustrious city of Valtara, a testament to his visionary leadership and mystical prowess. Renowned as one of Preton's most formidable mages, Dargath possessed a rare ability to train Enchanters, an elite cadre of mages endowed with the mastery of arcane magic. His tenure as Preton's inaugural ruler was tragically cut short, succumbing to fate's hand shortly before the onset of the Dark War, leaving a legacy of power and mystique behind him.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Dargath's unparalleled prowess lay in his command over Arcane Magic, a formidable force that shaped his leadership and the very foundation of Preton. His mastery of the arcane arts was pivotal in the training of Enchanters, fostering a legacy of adept mages capable of wielding powerful magical forces.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the advent of the Dark War, Dargath's history was deeply intertwined with the birth and establishment of Preton. As the half-human scion with a unique blend of fey heritage, Dargath's upbringing was steeped in the arcane arts and governance. His visionary leadership and mystical prowess propelled the founding of Preton and the meticulous construction of Valtara. Tragically, fate cast its shadow, and Dargath met an untimely demise just before the onset of the cataclysmic Dark War, leaving an indelible legacy behind.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dargath's enduring legacy resonated through the foundational establishment of Preton and the architectural marvel that was Valtara. His pivotal role in shaping the city's grandeur and fostering the arcane arts stood as testament to his visionary leadership and mystical capabilities. His unique ability to train Enchanters, an elite cadre of mages mastering arcane magic, fortified Preton's mystical prowess and elevated its standing in the Crean Isles.

Morality & Philosophy

Dargath's moral compass was guided by an unwavering dedication to the preservation of Preton and its people. He espoused a philosophy rooted in protection and wisdom, striving to ensure the welfare and prosperity of his nascent nation. His leadership was marked by a commitment to harmony, wielding his arcane mastery to safeguard Preton against external threats and nurture its development.

Personality Characteristics


Dargath's driving force stemmed from an unyielding dedication to safeguarding Preton and its inhabitants. His motivations were deeply rooted in the preservation of peace within the nation's borders and the thwarting of looming threats such as the menacing presence of Arravan, a dark harbinger of destruction.

Virtues & Personality perks

Dargath's strengths were multifaceted; his wisdom, foresight, and profound leadership qualities defined him as a great visionary. His ability to guide and govern Preton was underpinned by a sagacious intellect and an astute understanding of arcane magic, fostering a realm of growth and harmony.

Vices & Personality flaws

Though not a weakness per se, Dargath's vulnerability lay in his immense love and concern for his two sons, Anfal and Balor. His deep paternal affection could sometimes lead to moments of emotional vulnerability, prioritizing his family's well-being over strategic decisions, a rare chink in his otherwise formidable armor.
93 B.D.W. 43 B.D.W. 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by Arravan while he was looking for the Statue of Legion
Place of Death
Glowing Yellow
Long Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Pink
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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