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Dendroid (Den-Drojd)

Dendroids, sentient arboreal entities, stand as the venerable guardians of New Arium, comprising its elite forces. Towering trees with eyes gleaming like emeralds, they are ancient protectors that have watched over the realm ever since its creation. Thriving in expansive forests and coexisting within the bustling cities of New Arium, these wise beings possess a profound connection to nature, wielding both the strength of their colossal forms and the magic that courses through their verdant veins to safeguard their homeland.

Basic Information


Dendroids, also known scientifically as Arboria Sentientis, are remarkable beings with an anatomy seamlessly blending plant and consciousness. Their colossal trunks and limbs are composed of a unique, fibrous wood that imparts both strength and flexibility. The bark, adorned with intricate patterns, serves as a protective layer. Dendroids possess a network of roots that extends deep into the soil, facilitating nutrient absorption and anchoring them securely.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dendroids exhibit a slow but steady growth rate, taking decades to reach maturity. Their life stages include Sapling, where they emerge from the soil as small, delicate shoots; Adolescent, marked by rapid height and limb expansion; and Mature, where they attain their full size and sentient capabilities. Periods of dormancy punctuate their growth, allowing them to consolidate energy for transformative stages.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimally thriving in expansive forests, dendroids require a symbiotic relationship with their environment. They interact harmoniously with the flora and fauna around them, contributing to the biodiversity of their habitat. These sentient trees act as protectors, deterring invasive species and maintaining the ecological balance within their wooded domains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dendroids are photosynthetic, drawing sustenance from sunlight, water, and nutrients absorbed through their root systems. They possess the ability to synthesize their own food, converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. While they do not 'eat' in the conventional sense, dendroids actively protect and nurture the surrounding plant life, contributing to a flourishing ecosystem.

Biological Cycle

Dendroids undergo cyclical changes influenced by the passing of time and seasonal variations. In the fall, they shed leaves, creating a vibrant carpet of foliage. Winter prompts a period of dormancy, where they conserve energy. With the arrival of spring, new buds emerge, signaling renewed growth. Their biological cycle aligns with the natural rhythms of their forested homes.


Dendroids exhibit a communal and protective behaviour towards their own kind, forming interconnected networks within the forest. They communicate through subtle vibrations and chemical signals. In the face of threats, dendroids display remarkable cohesion, mobilizing their collective strength to defend their habitat. Towards other sentient beings, including humans, they maintain a watchful yet benevolent presence, recognizing alliances for the greater good.
Scientific Name
Arboria Sentientis
Several Centuries
Average Height
Around 20ft
Geographic Distribution
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