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Dwarf (Dworf)

Dwarves, hardy and industrious, carve their homes primarily into the rocky heart of Caena, the largest island in the Crean Isles. Renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and affinity for mining, dwarven settlements dot the rugged landscapes of Caena, nestled amidst mountainous terrains. Deep within these subterranean dwellings, dwarven communities thrive, forging alliances with neighboring nations or fiercely defending their precious resources. Known for their stoic demeanor and a deep respect for tradition, the dwarves play a vital role in the intricate tapestry of cultures that define the diverse Crean Isles.

Basic Information


Dwarves are a humanoid species characterized by robust builds, averaging between 4 to 5 feet in height. They possess stocky frames, durable bones, and exhibit physical strength disproportionate to their size. Dwarven skin tones range from fair to deep earth tones, and many individuals grow thick facial hair, emphasizing their distinctive features.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves have a slow maturation process, reaching adulthood around 40 years of age. Life stages include childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Notable stages are marked by cultural ceremonies, such as the "Stonefasting" ritual symbolizing the transition to adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves excel in subterranean habitats, particularly mountainous regions with abundant mineral resources. Their societies are adept at mining and craftsmanship, creating intricate underground cities seamlessly integrated into rocky landscapes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarven diets are hearty, comprising grains, root vegetables, and subterranean fungi. Accomplished hunters and foragers, they leverage their knowledge of underground ecosystems. Dwarves are skilled brewers, producing ales from cultivated crops and stored reserves.

Biological Cycle

Dwarves exhibit a remarkable resistance to aging, showing signs of senescence only after centuries. While they don't hibernate, seasonal changes influence their activities. Winter months often see increased communal gatherings and celebrations, while warmer seasons prompt agricultural efforts on the surface.


Dwarves are renowned for their resilience, determination, and loyalty. Strong family and communal bonds are central to their societies, where elders hold positions of respect and authority. Dwarves exhibit a strong sense of duty, dedicating themselves to professions like mining, crafting, or defending their subterranean homes. While generally amicable, they harbor distrust toward external threats, responding fiercely when their homes are endangered.
Scientific Name
Dwarvus subterraneus
150 - 200 Years
Average Height
4' - 4'8"
Geographic Distribution
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