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Gargoyle (Gar-Goyl)

Gargoyles, the iconic guardians of Preton, dominate the rugged landscapes with their imposing presence. These creatures, mainly hailing from the frosty expanses of Preton, exhibit two distinct subspecies—the more prevalent Stone Gargoyles and the formidable, albeit rarer, Obsidian Gargoyles. Stone Gargoyles, with their formidable stone bodies and keen senses, are the backbone of gargoyle communities. They serve as vigilant sentinels and skilled hunters, blending seamlessly with their rocky surroundings. In contrast, the Obsidian Gargoyles, a more exclusive and imposing variant, boast heightened strength and magical prowess. While rarer in number, their unmatched power makes them a force to be reckoned with in the icy territories of Preton. Together, these two subspecies form the stalwart protectors of their frigid realm, a testament to the diverse adaptations within the gargoyle community.

Basic Information


Gargoyles exhibit a robust, stone-based anatomy, reflecting their origin in the frosty terrains of Preton. With dense, chiseled bodies, they possess intricate wing structures allowing for agile flight and a tail that aids in balance. Distinct subspecies include the more common Stone Gargoyles and the rarer, stronger Obsidian Gargoyles.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gargoyles experience gradual growth over their lifespan. In early stages, hatchlings emerge from stone eggs, developing into juvenile forms before reaching maturity. The process takes several years, during which their stone bodies harden and gain durability. Obsidian Gargoyles, though rarer, mature more slowly, reaching peak strength at a later age.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferring the frigid climates of Preton, gargoyles thrive amidst icy landscapes and rocky formations. Stone Gargoyles adeptly blend with their surroundings, acting as hunters and sentinels. Obsidian Gargoyles, drawn to more perilous environments, dominate the higher, treacherous peaks where their strength is unmatched.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gargoyles are omnivores, with their diet comprising a mix of local flora and fauna. Stone Gargoyles are adept at stalking prey on the ground, while Obsidian Gargoyles, with heightened magical abilities, can manipulate elements to hunt more efficiently. Both subspecies have adapted to store energy in their stone forms during periods of scarcity.

Biological Cycle

Gargoyles are resilient to seasonal changes, with their stone bodies providing natural insulation against harsh climates. During winters, they enter a state resembling hibernation, conserving energy until the return of more favorable conditions. While not undergoing a complete shedding process like some creatures, their stone bodies may undergo minor weathering over time.


Gargoyles are known for their vigilance and loyalty. Stone Gargoyles function as guardians and hunters, often working together to protect their territories. Obsidian Gargoyles, possessing superior strength and magical prowess, assume leadership roles in these communities, orchestrating coordinated defenses against potential threats. Their behavior is deeply influenced by their duty to safeguard their habitats and kin.
Scientific Name
Petrifico glaciem (Stone Gargoyle), Petrifico obsidianus (Obsidian Gargoyle)
150 - 200 Years (Stone Gargoyles), 200 - 250 Years (Obsidian Gargoyles)
Average Height
Adult Stone Gargoyles stand at an average height of 6 to 7 feet, with males generally being slightly taller than females. Adult Obsidian Gargoyles reach greater heights, averaging between 7.5 to 8.5 feet. Males and females exhibit less noticeable height discrepancies compared to their Stone Gargoyle counterparts.
Geographic Distribution
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