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Naga (Na-Ga)

Nagas in the Crean Isles are extraordinary beings, embodying the mystical fusion of serpentine grace and humanoid elegance. With the upper body of a human boasting alabaster skin and the lower body of a serpent, they exude an air of both ethereality and primal power. These enigmatic creatures predominantly inhabit the frigid expanses of Preton, where their serpentine forms seamlessly blend with the snow-laden landscapes. Nagas harbor a deep-seated disdain for the Medusas of Ous, a rival species dwelling in the subterranean depths, and their animosity fuels an ancient rivalry. Led by Royal Nagas, these majestic beings stand apart from their brethren, their form slightly larger with a distinct crimson hue on their serpentine halves. Royal Nagas wield a unique prowess, distinguished by four arms instead of the conventional two, enhancing their combat capabilities. Nagas rank among the Isles' formidable species, their strength and mystique rendering them both revered and feared in the frozen territories they call home.

Basic Information


Nagas in the Crean Isles exhibit a captivating blend of serpent and humanoid features. Their upper bodies boast a humanoid visage characterized by luminescent, pale-white skin. Two articulate limbs, each ending in delicate digits, provide them with a human-like upper torso. Below the waist, they seamlessly transform into the sinuous form of a serpent. The scales covering their lower bodies match the snowy landscapes of their Preton habitat, offering both camouflage and an ethereal beauty to their appearance.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth of Nagas is a gradual process, spanning several decades. The initial stage, Hatchling, marks their emergence from eggs, displaying primarily serpentine features. The Juvenile stage witnesses rapid growth and the development of humanoid attributes, evolving into a more balanced combination of serpent and human. Maturity is attained in the Adult stage, where physical prowess and intellectual capabilities peak, solidifying their status as formidable beings within the ecosystems of Preton.

Ecology and Habitats

Nagas thrive in the optimal environment of snowy lands, particularly in the sprawling territories of Preton. Their interaction with their surroundings is marked by a seamless adaptation to the harsh conditions, utilizing their serpent forms to navigate icy expanses. Within their communities, they contribute to the ecological balance by participating in the natural order of predator and prey, helping maintain the delicate northern ecosystems.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nagas are carnivorous beings, their diet consisting of prey indigenous to their snowy habitat. They hunt with a combination of agility and strategic prowess, preying on creatures adapted to the frigid terrain. Their dietary habits contribute to the delicate ecological balance of Preton. Nagas are adept at storing and protecting their food sources, often utilizing concealed burrows or natural formations to safeguard their provisions during harsh weather conditions or scarcity.

Biological Cycle

While not subject to hibernation, Nagas exhibit remarkable resilience to seasonal changes, adapting seamlessly to the harsh conditions of Preton. Their biology undergoes subtle transformations in response to temperature variations, ensuring their survival in the snow-laden regions. These adaptations include changes in metabolic rates and thermal regulation mechanisms, allowing them to endure the challenges posed by the changing seasons.


Nagas exhibit a complex array of behaviors, blending serpentine instinct with humanoid intellect. Within their communities, they showcase a hierarchical structure led by Royal Nagas, beings both revered and obeyed for their wisdom and strength. Nagas display a sense of pride and territoriality, particularly in their interactions with the rival Medusa species. Their psychology is marked by a keen survival instinct, as well as a collective commitment to the preservation of their snowy habitats. Nagas are known for their strategic thinking, often collaborating to protect their territory and resources from external threats.
Scientific Name
Serpenthomo Glaciescoilia
Several Centuries
Average Height
15' - 20'
Geographic Distribution
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