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Pegasus (Peh-Guh-Suhs)

Pegasi, magnificent equine creatures with wings, grace the landscapes of Caena, Liverley, Elgamau, and Litchmeuse within the Crean Isles. Bearing a striking resemblance to horses, these enchanting beings possess impressive wings, granting them the gift of flight. Throughout the tumultuous era of the Dark War, Pegasi established a close alliance with New Arium, serving as trusted allies to humans, dwarves, and elves. Renowned for their aerial abilities and grace, Pegasi were coveted and utilized as majestic mounts by these factions, showcasing their remarkable strength and agility in battle. These creatures establish their habitats in proximity to large waterfalls, drawn by the serene allure and abundant resources offered by the cascading waters. They frequent the lakes formed below the waterfalls, indulging in the bounty of fish found within, ensuring sustenance and vitality for their kind. These picturesque settings near the falls serve as the ideal dwelling spots for Pegasi, providing both shelter and a plentiful food source while complementing their ethereal and mystical allure.

Basic Information


Pegasi are equine creatures with the distinct addition of wings, blending the majestic appearance of horses with wings resembling those of birds. Their sturdy equine physique showcases well-defined musculature, adapted for terrestrial movement, while their wings possess feathered extensions enabling them to soar through the skies. With a graceful build and striking features, Pegasi embody a harmonious fusion of terrestrial and aerial adaptations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pegasi undergo a relatively moderate growth rate, transitioning from foals to adults over several years. As foals, they exhibit small wings and are gradually weaned onto flight as they mature. The wingspan and muscular development steadily increase until they reach adulthood, displaying full-fledged aerial capabilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal environments for Pegasi encompass regions near large waterfalls, such as those found in Caena, Liverley, Elgamau, and Litchmeuse. These locales offer abundant resources and a serene ambiance, enticing Pegasi to establish their habitats nearby. They exhibit a strong affinity for these areas, drawn by the proximity of freshwater bodies, which provide sustenance and a picturesque setting for their colonies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pegasi subsist on a diet primarily consisting of fish found in the lakes below waterfalls. They display adept hunting skills, diving swiftly to catch fish, utilizing their agility and aerial prowess to secure their primary food source. These creatures safeguard their hunting territories near waterfalls, ensuring access to plentiful fish for sustenance.

Biological Cycle

Pegasi do not undergo significant biological changes in response to seasonal shifts. They maintain a consistent biological cycle, unaffected by hibernation or other natural rhythms. Their biology remains stable, allowing them to sustain a regular lifestyle regardless of the passage of time or seasonal fluctuations.


Pegasi exhibit social behaviors within their species, forming close-knit colonies near waterfalls where they gather and coexist. They display a familial bond within their groups, fostering unity and cooperation. These creatures show a reserved demeanor, cautious of predators and protective of their young, showcasing vigilance and swift aerial maneuvers to evade threats.
Scientific Name
Pegasus volucer
25 - 30 Years
Average Height
5ft - 6ft
Geographic Distribution
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