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Titan (Tai-Tn)

Titans in the Crean Isles stand as the unrivaled apex species in the snowy expanse of Preton, their towering presence casting a literal and metaphorical shadow over all other creatures. These colossal beings, adorned in a humanoid form, possess exceptional traits, with their distinguishing features being their formidable grey skin and an awe-inspiring stature that surpasses even the height of small cities. Aligned with Anfal due to an ancient pact forged between their kind and Dargath, Anfal's father and the founder of Preton, Titans wield immense power over thunder, a force they harness to assert their dominance. With their strategic alliance, Titans constitute the most formidable forces in Preton's army, their colossal frames and mastery over elemental forces making them not only guardians of the snowy realm but also instrumental allies in the ongoing conflicts of the Crean Isles.

Basic Information


Titans in the Crean Isles possess a formidable humanoid anatomy with distinctive grey skin, standing as towering colossi that surpass the height of small cities. Their physical structure is characterized by muscular frames, emphasizing their overwhelming strength and dominance. Exceptionally resilient, Titans exhibit minimal variations in their humanoid form, with no external features distinguishing age or gender.

Growth Rate & Stages

Titans undergo a slow growth process, with each stage marking significant milestones. The initial stage involves birth, where Titans emerge fully formed and proportional in their colossal size. Maturation occurs over centuries, and unlike many species, Titans do not experience distinct life stages. Their growth rate diminishes over time, reaching a stable state in adulthood, with minimal changes beyond this point.

Ecology and Habitats

Titans thrive in the optimal environment of Preton, the snowy expanse where they stand as the undisputed apex species. Their interaction with the habitat is minimalistic, as Titans, once mature, exert dominance over their surroundings, requiring little interaction with other creatures. They serve as guardians of Preton's icy landscapes, ensuring the delicate balance of the snowy realm remains undisturbed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Titans are not known for traditional dietary needs, as their immense size and energy requirements are sustained through an elemental connection to thunder. They draw power from the atmospheric forces, with lightning acting as a source of sustenance. Titans do not hunt or forage in the conventional sense, relying on their mastery over elemental forces to fulfill their energy needs.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of Titans is marked by stability, with minimal impact from seasonal changes or the passing of time. Unlike deciduous creatures, Titans do not experience leaves shedding or hibernation. Their robust physiology and resistance to the harsh conditions of Preton allow them to endure the elements without undergoing significant biological alterations.


Titans exhibit stoic and regal behavior, reflecting their status as guardians of Preton. Their interactions with members of their own species are minimal, as Titans maintain a solitary existence once maturity is reached. Their psychology is characterized by a sense of duty to protect the snowy realm and uphold the ancient pact with the rulers of Preton, aligning themselves with leaders like Anfal due to historical alliances and shared goals.
Scientific Name
Monolithus Magnificuscolossus
Several Millenia
Average Height
80' - 100'
Geographic Distribution
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